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  • PARTNERS| Red Alert: The Fight Against Fibroids

    THANK YOU TO OUR RED ALERT BRAND FAMILY OF SUPPORTERS PRODUCT SPONSORS As part of our social media outreach, Red Alert gave products that inspire and heal to our followers on social media and special members of our film cast. Thank you to our product sponsors for their love and support! @yabsticker Since 2002, You Are Beautiful has placed over 3 million stickers and dozens of mural installations throughout the U.S. with hopes to make the world a little better place. Visit their showroom, museum or workshops in Chicago, IL. You Are Beautiful @inspiredapparel04 Inspired to inspire, accessories muse Robyn Carson makes delicate and trendy jewelry, handbags and other items that couples mindfulness and fashion together to build beautiful gifts and a remarkable personal collection. Inspired Apparel by Robyn Carson BECOME A RED ALERT MOVIE FAN SUPPORTER There is strength in numbers. Join us on social . Join our newsletter. Make a donation . Sign up below for more details.

  • GIVE| Red Alert: The Fight Against Fibroids

    GIVE HELP US REACH OUR GOAL TO COMPLETE AND RELEASE THE RED ALERT DOCUMENTARY FILM OUR FISCAL SPONSOR Our fiscal sponsor is the Center for Independent Documentary. Since its inception in 1981, CID has worked with hundreds of independent film and video producers to support the production of stories not often told in mainstream media. CID films have been seen on PBS as part of American Masters, American Experience, Independent Lens and POV, received national cablecasts from HBO, Sundance, Discovery and LOGO channels, and have appeared at every major film festival. They have received Academy Award nominations, Emmys, and the Peabody. They are used by a variety of nonprofit and community organizations, from grassroots groups to schools, around the United States and throughout the world. Learn More CID is a 501(c)(3) organization committed to transparency and to providing our donors with complete information about the use of funds contributed to our organization. To view information related to our tax status or to see our tax returns, please visit our listing on Guidestar. Their Tax ID is 04-2738458. Together, we can push toward building awareness and funding for fibroid research and education. With your help, we can connect and assist those working to find a cause and cure for uterine fibroids and other related reproductive health issues. Our current efforts include virtual discussions and speaking engagements with leaders in women's health and wellness, fibroid awareness and impact filmmaking through The Red Alert Project . Check out our special edition newsletter, If Walls Could Talk . Sign up below to be a Red Alert insider. GIVE TOWARD ADVOCACY TAP HERE DONATE TO RED ALERT Red Alert is a medical, social, political and mental health movement for women. Your support will also go toward our efforts to grow fibroid awareness worldwide. The numbers of women affected by these reproductive abnormalities grows larger everyday. No more suffering in silence. Film and media are master keys to spreading awareness and finding ways to eradicate uterine fibroids. The Stephanie Tubbs Jones Uterine Fibroid Research and Education Act In the U.S., over half-million fibroid-related hysterectomies are performed annually, yet only $17 million has been allocated for fibroid research, putting it in the bottom 50 of almost 300 funded conditions, even though the direct and indirect medical costs related to fibroids amount to an estimated $35 billion each year in the U.S. alone. Since August 3, 2020, the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Uterine Fibroid Research and Education Act has been reintroduced by several members of Congress, including (fmr. Sen.) VP Kamala Harris (D-CA), Congresswoman Yvette Clarke (D-NY) and most recently, U.S. Senators Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-W. Va.), who reintroduced the bill on July 23, 2021. If passed, the bill will provide $150 million toward fibroid research and education, identifying key areas of insufficiency in fibroid awareness, research and treatment. More information on the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Uterine Fibroid Research and Education Act TAP HERE DONATE TO RED ALERT

  • NEWSLETTER | Red Alert: The Fight Against Fibroids

    THE RED ALERT NEWSLETTER In January 2022, we launched the first edition of our newsletter, If Walls Could Talk The newsletter presents information on the Red Alert project and relevant news in the areas of reproductive health and wellness. Click here to view a pdf version of the first edition with clickable links. Published in January 2022, If Walls Could Talk is designed as a central publication location for all things Red Alert, uterine fibroid and reproductive health, research developments and legislation. With the intention of building a place for readers to stay on Red Alert about the work completed by champions in the fight, we plan to give a nod to our survivors and advocates by featuring amazing stories. We welcome information about our affiliates, partners, sponsors and supporters in the field of reproductive health, treatment and medicine. Our supporters are featured on a special page with logos (SEO link capable) for quick reader connection. As we continue production, completion and distribution of Red Alert, our readers will know about film developments, have the opportunity to give to be a part of our Red Alert Family (RAM FAM). We will continue to fund the Red Alert brand advocacy beyond the release of the film. Sign up below to become a Red Alert Insider Give to the Red Alert brand to support our projects and women's health advocacy

  • DIRECTOR'S LETTER | Red Alert: The Fight Against Fibroids

    A Letter From The Director Many black women are suffering. We are suffering through physical pain that has been normalized, accepted and masked through generational silence. Women have watched centuries of progress in nearly all areas of western medicine and the development of treatments that cater to more ‘mainstream’ health discrepancies . The underrepresented fibroid patient has been held captive to her symptoms, which have been oversimplified and normalized, yet become more frequent and more obstructive every year. This country was founded through a culture that usurped and stereotyped black women as birthers, nurturers and caregivers, with little-to-no concern for the needs of the individual person; her physical and mental healthcare was ultimately pushed behind the production of a nation. With a bruised history of servitude and rise in maternal health disparities, there exists an expanding rupture of distrust between doctor and black patient. Black women and infertility are still rare joint topics of discussion. More recently, any specialized attention toward reproductive health issues have been hidden behind cancer research, HIV and COVID-19. What hasn’t been invariably present is the paradigm shift needed among healthcare administrators, physicians and legislators to eradicate the epidemic of uterine fibroid tumors, which 80% of black women suffer from on a monthly and daily basis. With the constant demands of work and life at the forefront, women have used their instinctive reaction to ‘push through’ immeasurable pain that only those stricken with the reproductive disease can truly understand. There is a societal stigma around period discussion and a general lack of empathy for reproductive complications, especially for women in underrepresented and underserved communities. We have yet to see the necessary resources allocated toward research of the fibroid epidemic, even though the mental, physical and emotional damage from the symptoms is often unimaginable. The goal of Red Alert: The Fight Against Fibroids is to build awareness and compassion for the vast numbers of women who are suffering from fibroids and related reproductive illnesses. Our goal is to present the faces of fibroids, expressing the hopes and fears of the women whose lives have been interrupted, through thoughtful, artistic production, along with cutting edge research that could spark progressive change for millions of lives everywhere. We have waited long enough. No more suffering in silence. Sincerely, Erica L. Taylor Director-Producer, Red Alert: The Fight Against Fibroids

  • HOME | Red Alert: The Fight Against Fibroids

    Play Video Play Video Amidst a national debate on reproductive rights, a black woman in Texas confronts a deeply personal 15-year struggle with uterine fibroid tumors, a debilitating reproductive disease affecting over 85% of black women. After nearly losing her life to treatment and enduring multiple miscarriages, she embarks on a journey across the country to seek answers, all while grappling with her own battle against a biased medical system. Red Alert: The Fight Against Fibroids gives accounts from women whose lives were interrupted by uterine fibroids, a common illness affecting 70% of all women and 90% of African-American women today. There is no known cause for this reproductive illness, yet o ver 500,000 fibroid-related hysterectomies are performed each year. Direct and indirect costs of uterine fibroids in the U.S. are estimated up to $36+ billion annually. TAP HERE DONATE TO RED ALERT "Research is formalized curiosity, it is poking and prying with a purpose." - Zora Neale Hurston For Erica, a 40-something black woman, uterine fibroid tumors nearly ended her life. Her diagnosis in 2008 would mark the beginning of fifteen years of treatments, surgeries, pain, endometriosis, cysts, infertility, miscarriage and eventually, the intensive care Unit. The film follows Erica’s fibroid journey as she lives through the emotional and physical effects of this debilitating reproductive disease. After being told by multiple doctors that a hysterectomy was her only option, Erica made the conscious decision to open up about her experience through this personal documentary. The investigation quickly turns into a lesson on race and gender inequity in American healthcare systems, biases in government healthcare spending and the blatant lack of information and general public interest about a reproductive disease that affects millions of black women each year. Through years of interviews we present the stories of fibroid patients who have come forth to share their shocking experiences of forced hysterectomies, infertility, shame, body distortion and diminished self-esteem as they navigate through their symptoms . Why are black women suffering at earlier ages from fibroids with worse symptoms than women of other races? Why are such a large majority of physicians only offering a hysterectomy as an option for treatment when other, non-invasive, less-costly treatments exist? The film also includes conversations with black women in the celebrity spotlight whose personal lives were forced to become public because of uterine fibroids. Red Alert is a film that will change the way this country perceives the reproductive health of all women, and particularly black women. We will uncover truths and dispel widespread myths about uterine fibroid tumors. We present the latest research from accredited scientists and researchers supported by the National Institute of Health, the Mayo Clinic, the University of Chicago, Northwestern University School of Medicine, Harvard University, ACOG, The University of Michigan, the National Women's Health Network and many others. WHY AREN'T WE TALKING ABOUT IT? The goal of Red Alert: The Fight Against Fibroids is to build awareness and compassion for the vast amounts of women who are suffering from fibroids and related reproductive illnesses. We present the faces of fibroids, while expressing the hopes and fears of the women whose lives have been interrupted, through thoughtful, artistic production, along with cutting edge research that could spark progressive change for millions of lives everywhere. No more suffering in silence. Uterine fibroids affect 171 million women worldwide. Why hasn't more attention, research and funding been given toward this illness? Endometriosis: a condition resulting from the appearance of endometrial tissue outside the uterus and causing pelvic pain - Oxford dictionary Cause: UNKNOWN Uterine Fibroid: a benign tumor of muscular and fibrous tissues, typically developing in the wall of the uterus - Oxford dictionary Cause: UNKNOWN

  • VIRTUAL SUMMIT | Red Alert Movie

    Her Nexx Chapter, the 2022 fiscal sponsor of the Red Alert Documentary Project, presents RED ALERT! A Conversation About HER Health A Virtual Event Featuring Experts and Advocates in Women’s Medical Health and Wellness Uterine fibroids affect 171 million women worldwide but there is little conversation among women and the medical industry about this epidemic and many women just ‘cope’ with their symptoms and any consequences of treatments thereafter. View this important conversation as impact filmmaker and women's health advocate, Erica L. Taylor speaks with accredited contributors on this topic, providing insights into this condition and how women can improve their health with physicians’ insights, expert tips, exercise and diet recommendations. A Reproductive Health Medical Panel A Healthy Cooking Demo with Vegan Celebrity Chef A Holistic Healing/Health and Wellness Panel Exclusive Footage from the Red Alert Documentary Live chat with participants The Live Stream was on July 19th, 2022. You can now watch the recording here: 2022 Red Alert Virtual Summit Panelists HOST Erica L. Taylor, Executive Producer, Taylor Productions & Director-Producer, Red Alert Documentary RED ALERT EVENT PANELISTS: Dr. Oluwayeni Abraham, PT, DPT – Triggered Physical Therapy Sepsenahki Taylor, Wellness Guru, Celebrity Chef and Author – Chef Ahki Chloe Mondesir, Race/Health Equity Leader and Fibroids Fighter Dr. Sadiya Khan, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Preventive Medicine, Northwestern University – American Heart Association Natasha Morris, Fibroid Survivor, Founder and CEO – McKinley Davis Lady Chap, Founder and CVO – Her Nexx Chapter Annette Presley, RDN, LD, CFN and Author – Revived Woman Dr. Soyini Hawkins, OBGYN – Fibroid and Pelvic Wellness Center of Georgia Thank You To Our Event Sponsors The Red Alert virtual event was produced by


    The Red Alert Project The Red Alert Project is a trailblazing endeavor dedicated to championing women's reproductive health through a fusion of creativity, education, and widespread awareness. At the forefront of our mission is the unwavering commitment to revolutionize the landscape of women's health by empowering individuals with knowledge, resources, and support to make informed choices about their reproductive well-being. We believe in harnessing the power of creativity to spark conversations and ignite transformative change in the sphere of women's reproductive health. Through innovative impact campaigns and activations, artistic initiatives, engaging content creation, we strive to reimagine how society perceives and engages with the topic of uterine fibroids and overall uterine health. Our awareness efforts include advocacy, community outreach, and partnerships to raise awareness about reproductive health issues, particularly those negatively affecting minority women, with the intention of removing stigmas and barriers to access. We collaborate with experts and healthcare professionals to deliver comprehensive and reliable insights. By providing accurate and accessible information about menstrual and reproductive health, including fertility and infertility, we aim to empower women to make informed choices about their health. In addition, we hope to bridge the communication gap between doctors and patients of color, with the goal of healthy generational outcomes. We envision a world where every woman has the tools and support to make the best choices about her reproductive health treatment without fear, stigma, or barriers. By merging creativity with education and advocacy, we aspire to establish a future where women are empowered and informed about their health and wellness and will no longer suffering in silence. Sponsorships Are Now Open! The Picture of Women's Health Tour The Picture of Women's Health Tour is a unique day of reproductive health and wellness education and activation offering a host of speakers, panel discussions, screenings, personal care opportunities, food and fitness! In each city, we offer a strong environment of sisterhood to promote stimulating conversations and solutions about reproductive health issues in an interactive and engaging space. SPONSOR Red Alert! A Conversation About HER Health Virtual Summit Red Alert presents a 2-hour virtual event about uterine fibroids with medical experts, holistic and wellness advocates hosted by Founder, Erica L. Taylor. Includes cooking demo, in-depth discussion and giveaway. VIEW Red Alert Sponsors the Run F.A.R 5K Event in Atlanta On Saturday, July 15, 2023 dozens gathered in Powder Springs, GA at the Still Family Farm for the RUN F.A.R. 5K hosted by The Fibroid Pandemic. Red Alert was a proud Jog Level Sponsor of the event. FOLLOW

  • PUBLIC SPEAKING | Red Alert Movie

    RED ALERT ADVOCACY AND OUTREACH Get a Free Quote This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content. First Name Last Name Email Send Thanks for submitting!

  • ABOUT | Red Alert: The Fight Against Fibroids

    About Red Alert Movie What Causes Uterine Fibroids? Who is Most Affected by Fibroids? Is There a Cure? Uterine Fibroids are benign tumors that grow on, around or inside the uterus. Often appearing in multiples, fibroids can cause infertility, severe anemia, miscarriage and lessen a woman’s quality of life significantly. For Erica, uterine fibroids nearly ended her life. Her diagnosis in 2008 would mark the beginning of a dozen years of treatments, surgeries, pain, endometriosis, cysts, infertility, miscarriage and eventually, the intensive care unit. Ultimately choosing faith over her diagnosis, she opened the discussion with other fibroid patients, and found that countless women are suffering in silence, quietly suppressing their symptoms with potent prescription medications or accepting the fate of an unwanted hysterectomy. Some of those women, like Erica, still maintain hopes of pregnancy, but find it difficult to stay encouraged. Red Alert follows Erica’s documented fibroid journey over several years as she speaks to the emotional and physical effects of fibroid treatments and infertility. She felt alone, as if this was some sort of spiritual punishment or fate that she would have to accept. After all, if other women she knew had gone through something so extreme, she’d know, right? Erica did some research and found that millions of women, especially black women, have and will be diagnosed with fibroids and will suffer from the symptoms. After opening up the discussion with girlfriends and relatives with uterine fibroids, she realized that there is little conversation among women and the medical industry about this epidemic and that many women just 'deal' with their symptoms and any consequences of treatments thereafter. After over a decade of fighting, Erica, a filmmaker, knew that suffering in silence was no longer an option. Enter Red Alert: The Fight Against Fibroids documentary, a full-length feature film that will get women talking about their experiences of pushing through the pain every month and sometimes everyday. Every woman is different. But one thing they all have in common: they are sick and tired of fibroid pain, hospital bills, painful intercourse, missed social engagements, the added expense of excessive sanitary products, the fear and realities of infertility and most of all, lack of treatment options and unwanted hysterectomies. Red Alert is a film that will change the way this country perceives the reproductive health of all women, and particularly black women. By presenting and pursuing the stories of real suffering women and seeking answers about past and current research from accredited physicians and scientists, we will uncover truths and dispel myths about fibroid tumors, with hopes to bridge the communication gap between physicians and patients. The film will present the newest research from accredited scientists supported by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the Mayo Clinic, the University of Chicago, Northwestern University School of Medicine, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and many others. We address the need for innovation in uterine fibroid treatment and other “sibling” reproductive illnesses such as endometriosis and adenomyosis, which are becoming more commonly associated with one another in diagnosis. One simple Google of the term uterine fibroids renders a listing of results that downplay the severity of the symptoms and implies that extreme cases of pain and infertility are a rarity. While this may be the case for a smaller percentage of women, the opposite is true for millions of women of color. Read the Director's Letter of Purpose for Red Alert. TAP HERE DONATE TO RED ALERT The Red Alert Crew Andy Baeza Director of Photography Dallas-Fort Worth based photographer, videographer, and audio engineer Andy Baeza, is a master of the lens. They say a picture's worth a thousand words, but this guy's eye is priceless. When he's not traveling abroad to capture the world's greatest views, he's living the good life with his amazing wife, his five beautiful and talented children, and crazy dogs. Erica L. Taylor Director, Producer Supernova filmmaker and creator of Red Alert Movie, Erica L. Taylor, is an experienced Producer and documentarian, with top credits in national television and radio. After producing network documentaries in Los Angeles, CA, Erica channeled her energy toward projects addressing health issues effecting women and minorities. If there was ever a complete package, it's this woman. Jasmine C. Leyva Producer Unicorn champion for vegan freedom, Jasmine C. Leyva, is an acclaimed filmmaker, screenwriter and actress in Los Angeles, CA. Her production experience includes the NAACP award winning show 'Unsung' and was a debut writer for BET's 'Being.' Jasmine is the Director of "The Invisible Vegan" documentary now on Amazon Prime. Cherie White Social Media Manager With an "S" on her chest and in her name, Cherie S. White is President and Digital Media Strategist of Clicks Digital Media and creator of She has worked with a variety of print and online media outlets during her nearly 20-year career, including REACH Media Inc and the Atlanta Tribune, but in her first and forever full-time gig, she's mom supreme to four stellar superkids. Danuelle Roberts Assistant Writer Published Author & Speaker, Danuelle Roberts puts the 'pro' in professional. A self-proclaimed storm-raiser, her books are remarkable and inspiring; but don't just take our word for it, ask Barnes and Noble or Amazon. When she puts the pen down, she turns to her not-so-secret powers as a dynamic Life Coach and a ridiculously young-looking mom. Leon Lacey Music Composer Grammy Award winning artist Leon Lacey's compositions have reached the many corners of Hollywood. An "artist's artist" Lacey has worked alongside Wyclef Jean, Janet Jackson, Brandy, Smokey Robinson, Method Man, Gunit, 3T Jacksons, Karen Clark-Sheard, Hezekiah Walker, and the beat goes on. He's also composed music for MARVEL, NBC, OWN, TV One, and now, Red Alert.

  • PRESS | Red Alert: The Fight Against Fibroids

    MEDIA COVERAGE Press Releases Releases about Red Alert film and brand advocacy efforts Podcasts Listen to podcasts featuring Red Alert cast and crew Print Read about Red Alert in online magazines PRESS AHA - EmPOWERED To Serve | Multicultural change through health justice in our communities Women’s Gynecologic Health Education is Power! “Red Alert: The Fight Against Fibroids” | Her Nexx Chapter Press Release - 2022 (icrowdnewswire) New film Targeting Uterine Fibroids, Black Women and Infertility Releases Provocative New Trailer Press Release - 2021 (EIN newswire) Film Producer Erica L. Taylor Named National Brand Ambassador for USA Fibroid Centers PODCASTS Watch God Work Podcast -Erica L. Taylor talks Fibroids, Red Alert, Storytelling, Prayer, Unsung & More | Watch God Work Beyond My Imagination Podcast - “For a Force Bigger Than Myself” with Erica Taylor Davis (BYI02) Vegan Sexy Cool Podcast - A Really Good Place to Start PRINT Filmmakers Making A Social Impact: Why & How Erica L. Taylor Of Red Alert, Is Helping To Change Our World | by Yitzi Weiner | Authority Magazine | Sep, 2022 | Medium DFW Shoutout I PRESS Real Health Magazine - April 2021 - ER Visits, Heavy Bleeding, Painful Sex, Surgeries and Fertility Issues USA Fibroid Centers - MEET OUR NATIONAL AMBASSADOR FILM PRODUCER ERICA L. TAYLOR Girl Talk HQ - 2nd Annual rePRO Film Festival Highlights The Urgency Of Reproductive Justice Real Health Magazine - August 2021- The Fibroids Movie “Red Alert” Nears Completion FESTIVALS 2021 RePro Film Festival - Red Alert: The Fight Against Fibroids Call-to-Action Conversation 2021 Total Abundance Summit - The Power of Your Story with Erica Taylor Davis

  • SOCIAL | Red Alert: The Fight Against Fibroids Movie

    R.A.M. ON THE GRAM Follow us on Instagram @redalertmovie Insta-Buzz Visit us on Facebook official facebook page official facebook group

  • CONTACT | Red Alert: The Fight Against Fibroids Movie

    Have a question about giving to Red Alert, our film production or were you diagnosed with fibroids? WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! Submit ABOUT TAYLOR PRODUCTIONS Taylor Productions is a premier production company serving clients in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia. You’ll find a variety of talent on our team, including Hollywood-accredited producers, major award winners, media moguls, documentary filmmakers and radio executives - a rare combination. Taylor Productions proudly serves corporate and executive clients. Our humble beginnings were in the documentary genre and we plan to keep telling amazing stories, one legacy at a time. We’re bringing you our best, offering personalized service from our team of production specialists. W e’re not an agency, so we use the red tape to make wall art and the obstacles as chandeliers. We're excited about our filmmaking subsidiary, e-motion film, which presents films that both educate and entertain, like Red Alert. Welcome to the Taylor Productions experience . We get production.

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